I have been observing anti-bullying games on http://pbskids.org/itsmylife/games/cheating/index.html . Every game talks about an aspect of bullying. E.g: Spreading rumors, what to do when you're facing a bully, etc. Sites likePBS - IT's MY LIFE - BULLYING andBlog on BullyinG talk about all types of bullying in general. I have to create animations for preventing bullying with my group. Most of the sites I fund are not age appropriate, so I have only found a site at http://miniclip.com called sketch star. Adobe photoshop is also useful. My team and I planned to create drawings of bullies and victims on Photoshop and to animate them on sketch star. Adobe photoshop is a bit complicated so we must learn to use it properly. I might even try to use http://www.picknik.com
http://www.picknik.com. Splodder.com is a site where you can make games but it is too violent. It consists of shooting, bombs, machine gun. I have also done some research in other blogs where they explain how to create a game. My partner has discovered a new program called CS4 Flash. It is more like paint but designed by Adobe and its more complicated than any other program.